

Australia ( import from australia ) | 09330230186

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and is one of the countries with a special geographical location that hosts a large number of different international transportation methods.
Goods can be shipped to and from Australia by air and sea transportation

Some of the important cities of Australia are: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra
Sea shipping from Australia to Bandar Abbas is a suitable and affordable option in terms of transportation charges
which provides the possibility of transporting goods through containers

Sea transportation from Australia is one of the best methods of exporting and importing goods to this continent due to its convenient geographical location
Important ports such as the port of Sydney / Brisbane / Melbourne / Adelaide and Fremantle are known as the main ports of Australia.
Air freight is one of the fastest and most efficient methods of international transportation from Australia

Multimodal Transportation from Australia is one of the methods that can be used to save time and money.

For goods with permitted weights and volumes, combined sea and air shipping from Australia through the United Arab Emirates can be done.

Airman Transportation Company provides air freight services from Australia as well as sea freight and Multimodal Transportation from Australia to its customers.
Australia has no land borders with other countries. Exports and imports of this region are carried out only through water and air transportation

To send goods from Australia, you need to choose products that have the capacity to increase the price for air transportation and the possibility of high durability for a long transit time on the sea transportation route from Australia, which is about 35 days.

The vessels that carry out sea transportation through containers first stop at the port of Jabal Ali in the UAE and after unloading, the containers are transported to Bandar Abbas through other vessels

This route is also possible for importing from Australia to Iran through Mersin port in Turkey

For more information about exporting to Australia and ways to transfer cargo to Australia, contact our colleagues at Airman Transportation Company : +989330230186